Trivia Thursday September 10th

Are you ready for our 18th addition of Trivia Thursday?  Today is all about September. As usual there will be a list of trivia questions and a short story below which have the answers hidden with in it. Some answers obvious while others might be harder to figure out.   The answers are posted in the comment section. Do you think you can solve them?

Please feel free to leave comment and let us know how you did.

Ready…. Set… Go…..  Have Fun


  1. What is September’s gemstone?
  2. What ‘month’ starts in September but ends in October?
  3. Which Canadian prime minister was born in September?
  4. Which war began in September?
  5. Which two Zodiac sign does are found in September ?
  6. On September 30th of what year did Murder she Wrote debut?
  7. On September 29th 1979, Gold reached this price for the first time.
  8. On which date in September 1968, did 60 minutes first air?
  9. September is the ninth month but it name represents what number?
  10. What is the full moon in September Called?


It was the end of the first day of school and the bell rang at John Diefenbaker High School.  As the 400 students descended the 24 cement stairs to the court yard below, a few of them gathered together to walk home.  

As they walk, they talked about what they had learned that day. John talked about his multicultural class and how they were going to study Hispanic Heritage.  Jenny told them how they were going to do an in-depth study of World War 2 before studying the Korean war.

 Walking about 7 blocks they came to Tommy’s house. A big white house with a Sapphire coloured door sitting in front of  a corn field.

After saying their good-byes, the rest head off down the street and were greeted by two dogs one large German Sheppard and small Jack Russell.

Paula hollered out to them, “Oh their’s my girls. Hi Virgo and Lebra did you miss me?”

Paula said her good-byes and ran towards her home with the dogs leading the way.

Now the twins John and Jenny were on their own heading home. They discussed the book they had to read for Literature class. 

“It’s 2020 why do we have to read a book from 1949 about 1984 this should be in history class.” John stated as Jenny chuckled. 

“Oh John as always the comedian”

As they walk up the walk way to their house. John gave Jenny his book bag.  “Tell Mom I will be in shortly, just want to grab a few apples off the tree for a snack. Do you want one?”

“Sure just no worm in it please”

John ran to the back as Jenny skipped up the stairs to the front door.

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