Trivia Thursday~~June 4

trivia thursday


Welcome to our fourth addition of Trivia Thursday.  As usual there will be a list of trivia questions and a short story below which have the answers hidden with in it. Some answers obvious while others might be harder to figure out.   The answers are posted in the comment section. Do you think you can figure it out?

Please feel free to leave comment and let us know how you did. .

Ready…. Set… Go…..  Have Fun. 


  1. Name Canada’s highest mountain.
  2. Name Canada’s longest river.
  3. Which word goes before vest, beans and quartet? 
  4. Name the world’s biggest island.
  5. What is the diameter of Earth? 
  6. Give the alternative name for a Mountain Ash tree. 
  7. Which kind of bulbs was once exchanged as a form of currency?
  8. Which sport does Constantino Rocca play?
  9. If you were painting with tempera, what would you be using to bind together colour pigments?
  10. What flower is Saffron made from?


It was a beautiful spring day; Rowan romped through a field of flowers. He came upon some egg yolk colour Crocus mixed in with the Tulips, Daffodils and Hyacinth. He wondered why they were still blooming.  He pulls out his phone, takes a quick picture of them, and uses a plant app to find out what type they were. 

“Hmm” he thought, “They originated in Crete.”  Making a mental note of their location, he calls his uncle Mackenzie River, who is a botanist for Greenland Botanical Gardens.

“Hello Uncle Mac, I have an unusual flower here by Mount Logan, I have seen this type at the base of Maple Mountain, but never here.  Their colour is intriguing. “

“Sure I will dig up a few bulbs for you.  So how are you doing?”

“You are in Hawaii playing golf.  Wow that about 5000-8000 miles away.  Have fun and safe trip home. Let me know when your back and I will drop off the bulbs for you.”

Hanging up, Rowan pulls out his trusty trowel and the small piece of cloth he always carries with him, for moments like this.  Places the plants, just above the cloths edge with the roots, bulbs and a bit of dirt into the cloth, then wraps them up and ties them with a piece of string.  He gently places the baseball size makeshift bag into his knapsack and heads home along the Yukon River.   



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