What’s Cooking~ Quick and Easy Chocolate Strawberry Delight Mousse

This will be the last recipe for our theme of Strawberry Recipes. What doesn’t go better with strawberries then chocolate? This delicious and cooling dessert will have you wanting more while keeping it light on those hot summer days. Will be a tasty treat for Canada Day Celebration.

Before you decide to gather your ingredients put a medium to large size bowl and the beater for you electric hand beater in the freezer. This will make the your delicious dessert light, fluffy and almost ice cream like.  I leave them in for at least 4 hour or longer.


  • 473ml of Whipping Cream
  • 1/3 cup of icing sugar
  • 1/3 cup of cocoa
  • 2 -2 ½ cups of cut Strawberries (larger ones in quarters, smaller ones in half)


  • Bring all your ingredients together, and then pull you bowl and beaters out of the freezer.
  • Sift Cocoa and icing sugar in to the bowl.
  • Add Whipping Cream and gently stir together
  • Whip the mixture on high until it creates small stiff peaks
  • Fold in Strawberries
  • Put into freezer for 15 minutes, refrigerate if not using immediately
  • Spoon into serving dishes

Now enjoy this wonderful cool delight on a hot summer’s day.

Someone might like to put this wonderful Mousse on some small shortcake cups as well.

Have a wonderful Canada Day and see you next week for another delicious recipe.

Thank you to the member that share this recipe.

Remember you can Send a Message to share your delicious recipes with other members and readers. We can keep you anonymous or if you like give you credit for your wonderful creations.

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